Terms & conditions

Terms and conditions

Request for expedited decision

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *

Privacy Notice

We collect information from you to process your application and to carry out the review under the Migration Act 1958 and Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024.

For more information about what we do with information given to us during the review, including what information is usually made public and when information is kept confidential, see our Privacy Policy.

What is an expedited decision?

This form can be used to apply for the Tribunal to make an expedited decison in a review of a reviewable migration decision. An expedited decision is one that we can make in the review applicants' favour, without conducting a hearing, because new evidence given to us objectively satisfies the relevant issues in dispute.

You may ask us to consider making an expedited decision if all of the following requirements are met:

  • You have applied for review of a decision to refuse to grant a visa; and

  • That visa was refused on the basis of one or more criteria not being met

  • Documentary evidence can now be given to us that demonstrates the criterion or criteria are now met.


  1. You can make an expedited decision request if your visa application was refused because you did not provide evidence that met the English language requirements and you now have this evidence.

  2. You cannot make an expedited decision request if you are applying for review of a decision about nomination or sponsorship of an activity, occupation, position or person.

  3. You cannot make an expedited decision request if the criterion requires any subjective assessment such as whether you are in a genuine relationship for a partner visa or you are a genuine temporary entrant for a student visa.

How to make an expedited decision request

An expedited decision request must:

  • be made in writing and clearly identify that it is such a request. A request may be made by completing and submitting this form online or by emailing your request to us at reviews@art.gov.au;

  • be accompanied by evidence that demonstrates the relevant criterion or criteria is now met; and

  • include a written submission that explains how the evidence now being given satisfies the relevant criterion or criteria, and how the Tribunal can now decide the review in the review applicant’s favour based on that new material without conducting a hearing.

We will advise you in writing if an expedited decision cannot be made in your case.

About using this online form

In using this online form:

  • if there is more than one review applicant, you must have the authority of each applicant to request an expedited decision and to provide information on their behalf;

  • the Tribunal is not responsible for the loss of any unsaved information;

  • the Tribunal controls the operation of this online form and that it may not be available at all times or at any particular time;

Please also read the Disclaimer.


Applicant details

Request for expedited decision

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *

All references to ‘the applicant’ in this form relate to the review applicant.

Applicant details



Request for expedited decision

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *

Decision type

Please choose at least one option

Issues and evidence

Select the reason(s) that best describes why the visa was refused: *

Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your nomination approval


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your assurance of support approved by Centrelink


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your test results from IELTS, OET, TOEFiBT, PTE or CAE


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your confirmation of enrolment


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your health assessment


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your health insurance


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your AFP complete disclosure certificate or Overseas police clearance certificate


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your skills assessment


Document upload required

Please upload a copy of your ATO tax assessment(s)


Please choose at least one option

Statement and submissions

Please provide a short statement or submission that explains why the visa was refused and how the new evidence now being given to us objectively satisfies that requirement. Your statement or submission can be typed into the box immediately below or uploaded as a document by using the 'Click to Upload' button underneath.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete all documents starting from the following document.


Warning -   if you deselect this checkbox you will delete the last document.



Summary and declaration

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *


Person making this declaration

I declare that:

  • The information provided in this form, including any attachments, is complete and correct in every detail.

  • I consent to the personal and sensitive information that is provided to the Tribunal being collected and used for purposes relating to the Migration Act 1958 and the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024.

  • I consent to any information / documents that are provided to the ART being given to the Department of Home Affairs during or at the end of the review, including personal / sensitive information.

  • If there is more than one applicant for review, or the request in this form is being made by someone other than the review applicant, the request is being made and any information is being given on their behalf and with their consent to do so.