
General information

Withdrawal of application for review 

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *

Privacy notice

We collect information from you to process your application and to carry out the review under the Migration Act 1958 and  Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024.

For more information about what we do with information given to us during the review, including what information is usually made public and when information is kept confidential, see our Privacy Policy.

Explanatory Notes and Disclaimer

Please read the explanatory notes before you complete this form. This form should be completed by the applicant or by his or her representative. 

Please also read the Disclaimer.


Withdraw an application

Withdrawal of application for review 

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *

Applicant details

Tribunal file number must start with 1 or 2

I wish to withdraw the application for review on behalf of the applicant specifed above.

Whose application is being withdrawn?

If you wish to withdraw applications made by your family members, you must have their authority to do so.


Representative details

Other party details



Withdrawal of application for review 

You must complete fields or questions marked with  *


By submitting this form I declare that:

  • The information provided in this form is complete and correct

  • I understand that upon receiving this advice, you will consider whether the application for review is validly withdrawn. I understand that, once you decide that an application for review is withdrawn, you cannot take any further action in relation to the application for review.

  • If there is more than one applicant for review, I am also providing this information on their behalf and with their consent to do so.

  • I consent to the personal and sensitive information that I provide to the Tribunal being collected and used for purposes relating to the Migration Act 1958 and the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024.

  • I consent to any information / documents that I provide to the Tribunal being given to the Department of Home Affairs during or at the end of the review, including personal / sensitive information.